by Nurture Nature Now | May 9, 2016 | Animal Rights
Those are the words of neuroscientist Gregory Burns. Burns wrote those words in a New York Times article after having spent two years studying the brain activity of calm, unrestrained dogs in MRI scanners. After all that time, his “one inescapable conclusion is...
by Nurture Nature Now | Apr 18, 2016 | Veganism
Lots of people feel like, as much as they would like to transition into a vegan lifestyle, that they just couldn’t do it. It’s too hard, they wouldn’t be able to enjoy their favorite meals, it would be too expensive — there’s all kinds of...
by Nurture Nature Now | Mar 14, 2016 | Animal Rights
In 2002, the corporate lobby group ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council) put forward a model law which they handed off to lawmakers across the United States. This act, called the “Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act” had one purpose in mind: to...
by Nurture Nature Now | Feb 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
There’s nothing else on Earth like the relationship between dogs and humans. Sure, there are plenty of other examples of inter-species collaboration and cooperation throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. But nothing approaches the depth and significance of...
by Nurture Nature Now | Feb 13, 2016 | Veganism
We’ve all heard of them. In the workplace, at school, on the street. They’re everywhere! Read the comments section on any news piece having to do with animal rights, and you’ll find all manner of people complaining about the nuisance of preachy...
by Nurture Nature Now | Jan 21, 2016 | Animal Rights
Have you heard the one about the macaque who took a picture of herself? Turns out it’s no joke! The monkey selfie has caused quite a stir. Odds are pretty good that you’ve seen the picture. It’s a pretty fantastic shot of a crested macaque taken in...
by Nurture Nature Now | Jan 18, 2016 | Pets
If you’re a dog lover, chances are there are certain breeds that have an extra special place in your heart. Maybe you grew up with a pure bred, or maybe the first breed of dog you brought into your own family. Or maybe you have a soft spot for dog breeds that...
by Nurture Nature Now | Dec 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
All over North America, families gather together whenever the weather is nice to enjoy the great outdoors. Often, we life to venture out of our cities and towns in order to enjoy “unspoiled” nature. We go to lakes, streams, forests and coasts. And for a...
by Nurture Nature Now | Dec 9, 2015 | Uncategorized
We see it all the time. Animals referred to as “its”. Even animals that we love. Even when we are describing some incredibly complex behavior. For some reason, we talk about them like they are pencils. Animals though — including us humans — aren’t...